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Inert particle size assessment

Inert particle size assessment: handling in glovebox and dispersion in water-free organic “solvent”

Some powders are sensitive to air (oxygen) or water (humid air). Also for these types of samples, it is interesting to know the particle size of the powder produced. With a lot of particle-size instruments, it is difficult to measure these types of samples, as there is no option to measure inert. Therefore at Delft Solids Solutions, we have developed a method to measure the particle size distribution at an inert way so that air-sensitive materials can still be measured.

First, the samples should be made and stored inert before the particle size analysis. There are special screw cap septum vial available so that there is no transfer between air inside and outside the vial. If the material is placed in a dry solvent (like special water-free heptane or hexane or liquid used in the production process) into the vial, this can be flushed with nitrogen gas and sealed with the screw cap. This will then be stored in a special glovebox until the measurements will be executed. The glove box is a cabinet containing nitrogen gas, so that the material will for sure not be in contact (humid) air.

The dry solvent will also be used during the particle size measurements with laser diffraction. First, the dispersion unit and measurement cell will be flushed with the dry solvent at least four times, to ensure that all water is removed. Then the dispersion unit will be filled with the dry solvent so that the sample can be transferred into the unit. With a syringe and needle with a sufficiently large opening, the material will be transferred to the dispersion unit. Before the sample transfer, the syringe is rinsed with the dry solvent and some dry solvent will also be put into the syringe before taking the sample.

The needle is then carefully put into the septum and the sample is dispersed in the vial. After homogenizing the vial, some sample is taken from the vial into the syringe and this is removed from the septum.  The syringe with sample material is placed into the solvent in the dispersion unit and the syringe is emptied in the solvent so that there is no contact with the air during emptying. The sample is then directly measured to make sure a good measurement is obtained as it might be possible that in time the material might still change some bit. During several investigations, we have seen this is a suitable method to measure the particle size distribution of air-sensitive materials and we will always continue to investigate more options for measuring the particle size of air-sensitive materials.

Our conclusion of the week:
Even if it is wet outside – there are always possibilities to measure materials dry!


Insight of the week is powered by:
Delft Solids Solutions
4 January 2024|Insights|

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Best Practices for Bulk Density Measurement

Bulk density measurement, a key aspect of material characterization, has become an indispensable tool in various industries. It provides critical data for quality control, process optimization, and product development. This article outlines best practices for accurate and reliable bulk density measurement.

1. Choosing the Right Measurement Technique

Selecting an appropriate method is crucial. Traditional techniques like the gravimetric method and mercury displacement offer foundational approaches. However, these can be time-consuming or environmentally hazardous. Modern methods, such as gas pycnometry and liquid pycnometry, provide greater accuracy but require meticulous sample preparation. Advanced techniques like X-ray computed tomography (CT) allow for non-destructive analysis and detailed three-dimensional density mapping, offering deeper insights into material properties.

2. Proper Sample Preparation and Handling

Accurate bulk density measurement starts with proper sample preparation. Ensure that samples are representative of the material as a whole. Avoid compaction during handling and storage, as this can skew results. For liquid displacement methods, ensure the sample is free of air pockets and voids to prevent inaccuracies. Additionally, controlling environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can minimize their impact on measurements.

3. Calibration and Standardization

Regular calibration of instruments is essential for maintaining measurement accuracy. Utilize standard reference materials to validate equipment and procedures. Adhering to industry standards and regulations ensures consistency and comparability of data across different studies and applications. As new technologies emerge, staying updated with current standards can help maintain the reliability of measurements.

4. Advanced Techniques for Enhanced Insight

Incorporating advanced technologies, such as X-ray CT, can significantly enhance the understanding of bulk density. This method allows for the assessment of density variations within materials, providing valuable information on their structural integrity. For industries like pharmaceuticals, food processing, and construction, such insights are crucial for optimizing formulations, packaging, and material performance.

5. Addressing Measurement Challenges

Challenges like sample heterogeneity, particle size, and shape variations can affect measurement accuracy. To mitigate these, use consistent methods and consider the physical characteristics of the material. Advanced techniques, including laser diffraction and acoustic resonance, offer solutions to some of these challenges by providing more precise measurements and insights.

6. Continuous Innovation and Research

Continuous innovation in measurement techniques is vital for advancing material characterization. Research and development efforts contribute to refining existing methods and developing new ones, such as impedance spectroscopy, which can address limitations in current practices. Staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures accurate, efficient, and reliable bulk density measurement.

In conclusion, bulk density measurement is a critical component of material characterization across industries. By following these best practices—selecting the appropriate method, ensuring proper sample preparation, calibrating instruments, utilizing advanced techniques, addressing challenges, and embracing innovation—professionals can achieve accurate and reliable results that drive quality and efficiency.

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Particle Size Characterization 2024

November 26 - November 27

Delft Solids Solutions presents a comprehensive 2-day Particle Characterization course, intricately linked with a 1-day Porosity and Surface Area Characterization program. Designed for industries dealing with diverse materials, the course explores fundamental principles, definitions, and techniques for particle size and shape characterization. Key topics include sampling, sieving, sedimentation, microscopy, and quality control, with practical demonstrations reinforcing theoretical knowledge in the well-equipped laboratory. Scheduled for November 26-27, 2024, in Wateringen, The Netherlands, the course offers participants a profound understanding of particle characterization techniques, enabling them to interpret results and ensure measurement reliability. Upon completion, a certificate of participation is awarded. For inquiries or registration, contact Delft Solids Solutions at +31 174 271 460 or info@solids-solutions.com.

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