Exploring Metal-Organic Frameworks: The Future of Porous Materials and Gas Storage Gallery Exploring Metal-Organic Frameworks: The Future of Porous Materials and Gas Storage Bulk Solids Characterization, Chemical Industry, Editors pick, Feature Article, Laboratory, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical Industry, Porosity, research, Thermal Properties Exploring Metal-Organic Frameworks: The Future of Porous Materials and Gas Storage Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are new, porous, crystalline materials [...] POWDERTECHNOLOGY.info2024-12-16T13:35:00+00:0027 October 2024|Categories: Bulk Solids Characterization, Chemical Industry, Editors pick, Feature Article, Laboratory, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical Industry, Porosity, research, Thermal Properties|Tags: adaptive catalysis, breathing MOFs, carbon dioxide storage, catalysis, crystalline structures, customizable structures, drug delivery, dynamic properties, Energy Storage, Environmental Sustainability, flexibility, functional groups, gas adsorption, gas separation, gas storage, healthcare diagnostics, high porosity, hybrid materials, hydrogen storage, hydrophobic properties, hydrothermal synthesis, Lewis basic sites, metal ions, Metal-organic frameworks, methane storage, MOFs, nanoparticle encapsulation, organic linkers, porous materials, Scalability, selective adsorption, selective gas separation, sensing, solvothermal synthesis, stability, surface area|0 Comments Read More