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Powdertechnology.info insight of the week

Electrical Conductivity in Battery Powders

The electrical conductivity of battery powders is a crucial aspect of the technology that powers our daily lives. Batteries, indispensable for devices like smartphones, remote controls, car keys, power banks, and even electric vehicles, have a history dating back to the 18th century. However, the modern batteries we rely on today and consider normal did not develop until the 19th century. Interesting to note that since the 1930s, the integration of powders in battery materials has become increasingly prevalent, with these powders serving as both anode and cathode materials.

Measuring the electrical properties of powders is a complex endeavor. Unlike liquids, powders lack a continuous phase, assessing their conductivity a multifaceted challenge. Conductivity is not solely determined by concentration but is also influenced by factors such as particle size, applied pressure, compression methodology, field strength, and the frequency of the measuring current. Consequently, standardized methods are essential to gauge the electrical conductivity of powders accurately.

The relationship between pressure and electrical conductivity is a complex one. When pressure is applied to battery powders, it compels the individual particles to come into closer contact, effectively increasing the contact area and creating pathways for electron flow. This effect is more pronounced as pressure levels increase. Furthermore, moisture content can introduce variability in conductivity, as it can influence the arrangement of particles and introduce impurities. Therefore, to obtain

precise and relevant conductivity measurements, it is imperative to consider both pressure and moisture content, ensuring that the testing conditions will closely mimic the real-world application of the powder.

We have developed a method based on existing literature to measure electrical conductivity. Our specialized equipment enables us to apply the required pressure to the powder, aligning with real-world usage conditions. In addition to the pressure, particle size and specific surface area can influence powder conductivity. Delft Solids Solutions possesses the expertise to determine these physical properties comprehensively, contributing to advancements in battery technology and ensuring the reliable and sustainable operation of the devices we depend on daily.

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Delft Solids Solutions
2 December 2023|Insights|

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Best Practices for Additive Use in the Petrochemical Industry

Since the early days of petroleum refining, additives have been pivotal in enhancing the performance, stability, and protection of petrochemical products. From the 19th century to the present, the role of additives has evolved, encompassing a wide range of compounds and applications. Here are best practices to consider when utilizing additives in the petrochemical industry:

1. Understanding Additive Functions

Additives serve various functions depending on the product and application. They can improve fuel efficiency, enhance engine protection, lower emissions, and prevent oxidation. For example:

  • Antioxidants: Prevent degradation of fuels and lubricants.
  • Dispersants: Inhibit deposit buildup in fuel systems.
  • Lubricants: Reduce wear and tear on engine parts.

Each additive’s chemical composition is tailored to its purpose, such as nitrogen-containing compounds in fuel additives or zinc-based compounds in lubricants. Understanding these specific functions and compositions is crucial for optimizing product performance.

2. Quality Control and Testing

Ensuring the quality and efficacy of additives is paramount. Utilize advanced testing methods like Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (EDXRF) to measure additive content, such as sulfur levels. This not only ensures compliance with environmental regulations but also optimizes the refining process and product quality.

3. Environmental Considerations

With increasing scrutiny on emissions and sustainability, selecting additives that minimize environmental impact is essential. Fuel additives can reduce harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, contributing to lower overall environmental footprints. Prioritize eco-friendly additives that align with global efforts to mitigate climate change.

4. Innovative Research and Development

The petrochemical industry must invest in ongoing research and development to stay competitive. This includes developing new additives that cater to evolving market demands, such as alternative fuels and biofuels. Innovation in additive technology can lead to breakthroughs in product performance, safety, and sustainability.

5. Adapting to Market Shifts

The rise of electric vehicles and alternative energy sources poses a significant challenge to traditional petrochemical markets. The industry must adapt by exploring new product lines and partnerships. This includes forming alliances with companies in the renewable energy sector and investing in technologies that complement or replace fossil fuels.

6. Navigating Geopolitical Landscapes

The global energy market is influenced by geopolitical factors, making strategic alliances crucial. The industry should engage in international collaborations to secure access to energy sources and maintain market stability. Understanding and navigating these complexities can help companies mitigate risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

7. Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

As global awareness of environmental issues grows, the petrochemical industry must prioritize sustainability. This involves not only producing cleaner products but also adopting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. Companies should aim to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute positively to global energy transition efforts.


The petrochemical industry stands at a crossroads, with traditional fuels facing increasing competition from alternative energy sources. To thrive in this evolving landscape, the industry must prioritize innovation, quality control, and sustainability in the use of additives. By staying ahead of market trends and geopolitical shifts, the industry can continue to play a vital role in the global energy market.

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Particle Size Characterization 2024

November 26 - November 27

Delft Solids Solutions presents a comprehensive 2-day Particle Characterization course, intricately linked with a 1-day Porosity and Surface Area Characterization program. Designed for industries dealing with diverse materials, the course explores fundamental principles, definitions, and techniques for particle size and shape characterization. Key topics include sampling, sieving, sedimentation, microscopy, and quality control, with practical demonstrations reinforcing theoretical knowledge in the well-equipped laboratory. Scheduled for November 26-27, 2024, in Wateringen, The Netherlands, the course offers participants a profound understanding of particle characterization techniques, enabling them to interpret results and ensure measurement reliability. Upon completion, a certificate of participation is awarded. For inquiries or registration, contact Delft Solids Solutions at +31 174 271 460 or info@solids-solutions.com.

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