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Dilute phase vs dense phase conveying

Pneumatic Conveying is the act of transporting solid particles through pipelines, using a gas (often compressed air) as the carrying medium. When designing a pneumatic conveying system, there are several considerations that should made. One such consideration is if the system should be used for dilute phase or dense phase conveying.

Dilute phase conveying systems use high air velocities (15 – 40 m/s) and relatively low solid loading ratios to suspend the conveyed material in the air stream. On the other hand, you have dense phase conveying which utilizes low air velocities (< 15 m/s) and relatively high solid loading ratios to effectively push the material through the pipeline. Dilute phase conveying is the most utilized of the two conveying systems, as the material gets conveyed at a higher speed than when it gets conveyed using dense phase conveying. However, going fast is not always the best option.
Conveying systems often have bends and when the material is conveyed at high speeds through those bends, the material will often impact the wall of

the pipeline. The large amount of force exerted on the particles will often lead to fragmentation and chipping of the particles. This is especially the case with more friable materials, such as lignin. When comparing the wear of lignin between comparable dilute phase and dense phase conveying systems, it was observed that approx 31% of the lignin introduced into the dilute phase conveying system had a reduced particle size. In the case of the dense phase conveying system this percentage was just 16%. For some industries this might not be a relevant problem, but it is important to keep in mind that the fastest option is not always the best option.

Figure 1: Dense phase conveying of lignin

Figure 2: Dilute phase conveying lignin

Figure 3 Dilute phase conveying lignin

Insight of the week is powered by:
Delft Solids Solutions

18 November 2023|Insights|

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Monthly Top Tips

Seed Encapsulation Top 10 Tips

Every week we offer tips and tricks, Do’s and Don’ts, and best practices.
This week Seed Encapsulation Top 10 Tips

  1. Thorough Research:

Conduct extensive research on various seed encapsulation techniques, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of chemical, physico-chemical, and physico-mechanical approaches.

2. Highlight Historical Context:

Emphasize the historical significance of seed manipulation, tracing its evolution from the Neolithic Era to the present, and providing context for readers.

3. Detailed Chemical Insights:

Offer detailed insights into the chemical processes involved in seed encapsulation, explaining the interaction between gelling and crosslinking agents.

4. Precise Encapsulation Efficiency:

Stress the importance of precise timing, concentrations, and selection of encapsulation techniques for achieving optimal encapsulation efficiency.

5. Microscopic Exploration Emphasis:

Place a strong emphasis on the microscopic exploration of seed characteristics, showcasing how it reveals subtle changes in the physical and chemical composition.

6. Customization for Seed Types:

Highlight the need to customize gelling and cross-linking agents, as well as encapsulation techniques, based on specific seed types and applications.

7. Technological Equipment Understanding:

Provide a clear understanding of the specialized equipment used in seed coating, explaining the roles of dry coating, rotary pan, and pelleting pan methods.

8. Sustainability Impact:

Acknowledge technological advancements in seed coating equipment, showcasing how these innovations contribute to enhanced agricultural practices.

9. Sustainability Impact:

Highlight the impact of seed encapsulation on agricultural sustainability, demonstrating how it contributes to prolonged shelf life and improved agricultural practices.

10. Connect with Modern Seed Technology:

Connect the historical evolution of seed manipulation to modern seed technology, showcasing its continuous impact on agricultural productivity and sustainability.

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Particle Size Characterization 2024

November 26 - November 27

Delft Solids Solutions presents a comprehensive 2-day Particle Characterization course, intricately linked with a 1-day Porosity and Surface Area Characterization program. Designed for industries dealing with diverse materials, the course explores fundamental principles, definitions, and techniques for particle size and shape characterization. Key topics include sampling, sieving, sedimentation, microscopy, and quality control, with practical demonstrations reinforcing theoretical knowledge in the well-equipped laboratory. Scheduled for November 26-27, 2024, in Wateringen, The Netherlands, the course offers participants a profound understanding of particle characterization techniques, enabling them to interpret results and ensure measurement reliability. Upon completion, a certificate of participation is awarded. For inquiries or registration, contact Delft Solids Solutions at +31 174 271 460 or info@solids-solutions.com.

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