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Particle Size Characterization 2024

Delft Solids Solutions presents a comprehensive 2-day Particle Characterization course, intricately linked with a 1-day Porosity and Surface Area Characterization program. Designed for industries dealing with diverse materials, the course explores fundamental principles, definitions, and techniques for particle size and shape characterization. Key topics include sampling, sieving, sedimentation, microscopy, and quality control, with practical demonstrations reinforcing theoretical knowledge in the well-equipped laboratory. Scheduled for November 26-27, 2024, in Wateringen, The Netherlands, the course offers participants a profound understanding of particle characterization techniques, enabling them to interpret results and ensure measurement reliability. Upon completion, a certificate of participation is awarded. For inquiries or registration, contact Delft Solids Solutions at +31 174 271 460 or info@solids-solutions.com.

By |2024-01-08T14:23:59+00:008 January 2024||0 Comments

Milk Powder and the various stages of processing

At the beginning of the 1920s to 30s Sweden [...]

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